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We all like to eat!

January 5, 2012

When a person or business succeeds, there is food on the table.  The more a person or business succeeds, the more food there is on more tables.  The previous two statements cannot possibly be true.  President Obama has said that the wealthy among us need to pay their fair share; why?  So more people can have food on their tables.  There you have it, if those who produce and provide the jobs which produce the stuff people want would just quit being so irresponsibly greedy, everyone would have more food on the table.  Hmmmm?  these two thought processes seem to be at odds with one another!  Which one is contained within the frame of reality and sustainability and which is framed in the illusion of smoke before a mirror?  Surely there is some source of evidence that could help a brother out with understanding which is better, isn’t there?    Absolutely, there is and it’s overwhelming!  The repository of this vast store of knowledge is about 3 thousand miles East of Washington D.C.  It’ s called Western Europe.

Now, before my 3 liberal friends jump on me about the Wall Street/Washington Siamese Twin connection, let me place your minds at rest.  The indistinguishable intentions of both Wall Street and Washington elites (politicians and lobbyists) are power and control, at any cost.   I’m talking about the vast majority of Americans who want to: eat, have a sense of control over their (usually very small) bit of the world and, take care of the most downtrodden among us and to believe their government is championing their right to run their lives the way that seems best for them.

What does the evidence suggest?  A very short story for illustration:  I had an acquaintance who once boasted of being injured while in England and receiving both excellent and FREE! medical care.  It just doesn’t get any better than that!  When I thought about that statement, I had to wonder, how does a doctor in England put food on his table?  How do the makers of the equipment, the dressings and medications the doctors used to fix my friends boo boo put food on their table?  And, what about the nurses and administrators of the clinic or hospital he used for free?  He never mentioned that any of them appeared either hungry or worse emaciated but if they work for free, is their food free too?  Then it dawned on me, it wasn’t free, someone must have paid for it and because it cost my friend nothing out of his pocket he only thought it was free!  Ah hah!  Who then, who was the benevolent dear that paid for his free care?  It turns out that most of Europe and England in particular has all their healthcare providers on the government payroll!  So, the government is the payer, right?  No.  In a single payer  system, the checks come from the government but, here it comes, wait for it…..Governments have no money because they do not produce anything!!!  Governments spend other peoples money which they take by taxing them!

Most countries have a document called a constitution or something similar.  That document usually outlines what the responsibility of the government is and what the relationship between the government and its subjects or population looks like.  In America, our constitution is very specific and severely limits the power of government over both individual states and individuals within the republic.  In the area of taxation, there are also very specific reasons Americans are taxed and those reasons are what have kept us from sliding into the financial quagmire Europe has created for itself, up until the last 60 or so years.

Because Europeans have allowed the thought process articulated by President’s from FDR to Obama to take root in their society, wealth is kept for the protected privileged and closely and very costly “managed poverty” is spread around to the rest.  The most recent and glaring example of the end game of the government-is-the-answer to everything  mind-set is Greece.  Governments corrupted by greed and unaccountability have made promises that can’t be kept and are under siege by angry people demanding their (man given) fix er, rights; violently if necessary because; they want to eat!  Yeah, but we aren’t as bad off as Greece.  Neither was Greece a few years ago!  Greece has a debt to GDP ratio of about 130%  America about 93% and projected to reach 140% within the next 20 years.  So, if you are (like me) a baby boomer, you could just ignore this issue, clamor for no changes to medicare, social security, or education and allow the much more expensive and less effective than ever before healthcare act  (Obamacare) to stand and leave the mess to your children but, if that’s the way you think, you wouldn’t have even read this far!!

We all like to eat and I want to select what I want to eat not have some government weenie do it for me, for my own good!  I want to run my small business because my customers and I like it not because it makes sense to anyone else.  I want you to do what makes you feel valuable and accomplished and I want the government to retreat to its constitutionally limited place in my life and yours and get out of the social and marketplace manipulation business!  I want to eat steak and lobster when I can afford it and I want lots of thriving businesses paying lots of people lots of money so they can too!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Donnie permalink
    January 5, 2012 12:31

    Dead on!

    It is time for America to get back on track and respect those who do and have worked for a living. What I have noticed after working hard for two retirements, I have to work to pay the taxes to help out those who elect not to. The retirement pay allows me to live comfortably, without luxury and it is something that I worked for. The taxes are what kills me.

    Nothing pisses me off more than to have someone who likes something that I have worked for (I rebuild old cars as a hobby) and say, “It must be nice to be able to have something like that.” Well, work since you have been 14 years old, do a career in the military and law enforcement, and maybe something might float your way.

    America, it is called work. Do it. If you are an executive and out of work, fry a hamburger at McDonalds if necessary to keep your head afloat. Somewhere out there, if you look for it and want it, it will reveal itself.

    Wake Up!

  2. Michelle permalink
    January 7, 2012 05:37

    What Talent and insight. Coming from a person who is not necessarily Politically Savy at a level it would seem like you. I can really get what you said especially with the subject of business being put in as the “word picture” of description. You need to be a professional blogger and need to take the steps to find out how one might do that. I endorse you for that position and/or encourage you to Go For It. I wish to be apart of our local political stuff here in White City. Maybe be Mayor someday….Who Knows. I just am so impressed you want to make a difference on this level with our Big Government. I am so Proud of You.

  3. James permalink
    January 7, 2012 14:54

    I give it two-thumbs up! Most Americans agree with you Jay, this current administration (actually, a dictatorship under the guise of Republic) is the worst! I saw a bumper sticker that emphasizes your point: “If you think health care was expensive before, wait until it’s free”! Good stuff my friend.

  4. Sal permalink
    January 15, 2012 18:29

    Now Jay, you sound so angry. So what if the American dream is virtually gone, this is the land of entitlement, and I am sure that these poor folks deserve whatever this schmuck of a president wants to give them of ours is OK.
    I love the fact that I can go to work, and when I receive my pittance I can share it with those that have worked so hard doing nothing. No Jay, you my friend, sound very angry.
    What shall I do with you? Oh, excuse me my illegal neighbor who just bought a new home
    and works in a fast food chain is knocking, I hope I can understand him, my Spanish is poor,
    and I wouldn’t want to offend anyone. He might be a liberal.
    Anyway Jay, I wish you were more like me, easy going, willing to let my government tell me when to pee.It takes the worry out of freedom. I have to go right now,pee that is, is that OK. Oh yes Jay let us not get cynical about this, it’s so distasteful.
    Who else.

  5. Michele Wright permalink
    March 22, 2012 11:50

    “Managed Poverty” I like that description. Makes it so clear.

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